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What We Do

Our Mission

You may not know where to begin. Touched By ALS can help you make sense of it all. We can give sensible advice because we have traveled in your shoes.

The support of family and friends plays a crucial role in the quality of life of pALS. Spouses, partners, parents, even children find themselves providing care or a helping hand to their loved one with ALS. Living with and supporting a person with ALS is an emotionally complex experience, as well as a life altering journey. Touched By ALS can play a role in setting you on the right path by offering sensible advice, the right resources, and perhaps assistance with some of the costs of living with ALS.

Upon initial diagnosis, the family is faced with an emotional bomb and a multitude of questions and unmet needs. We have assembled tips, resources and advice that will equip you with some knowledge, comfort and confidence to put you on the right path.

If you need information about ALS
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), is a neurological (nervous system) disease that belongs to a group of disorders known as motor neuron diseases. It’s a progressive disease, attacking nerve cells that control the muscles. When these cells die, voluntary muscle control and movement are lost. This leads to progressive weakness and disability. In most cases, the mind remains sharp. We can help you find authoritative information to fill your need. It is important to get up-to-date information from the experts. We will make sure that you get the right and complete answers from the right sources. For starters, you can review our Education section. Then contact us if you need more specific information.
  1. ALS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)
  2. ALS Tips
  3. ALS Resources
If you need equipment (and who doesn't?)
We have resources for both new and used durable medical equipment. pALS have a never-ending need for equipment and tools and we can help you find the right stuff. And when you no longer need it, we encourage (and can facilitate) the contribution of your used equipment to the Greenville Clinic’s loaner closet. Because the Greenville Clinic already has a loaner closet, we have decided to support instead of duplicating their effort. For information about the Greenville Clinic’s loaner closet, please contact Suzy Hobbs at 864-454-5078.
If you are looking for support and a community
You are not alone. The ALS journey can be daunting and frightening, but others have already walked where you are going. You can learn and be comforted by their experiences. We have a collection of our pALS’s and cALS’s stories, written in their own words. You can read them in our Ruminations section. When you are ready, we invite you to contribute your own story as well. By Fall 2023, we will have established a local in-person TBALS Support Group. Stay tuned for further information about our Support Group. Until that time consider the Zoom meetings offered by the SC Chapter of the ALS Association.
If you are in need of financial assistance
We can help you assess your financial ability to handle the costs of living with ALS. If you are in need of financial assistance, we may be able to help provide funding in the areas of in-home care, equipment, and accessibility assistance. Please complete our Assistance Application. We will evaluate your application and contact you with our ability to address those needs. We can also help find other sources of financial aid. There are government agencies as well as private organizations who can help.

I have been lucky, that my condition has progressed more slowly than is often the case. But it shows that one need not lose hope. ~ Stephen Hawking