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Crystal’s Story

August 2014 I felt the shock of cold water being poured over me as I participated in the ALS ice bucket challenge. Ironically, eight years later in August 2022 I felt a similar shock when I was given the diagnosis of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.

As a wife, mother, daughter, sister, coworker, and friend; my life as I have previously known it, quickly changed. I had to leave my career as the HR Director of the YMCA of Greenville, and try to find purpose in my new normal.
What I have found is that I love to share my knowledge of ALS with others and help those who are also diagnosed with sharing resources, tips, or products that are helpful; and just being an overall advocate for those of us with ALS.

In the short time I’ve been diagnosed with ALS, I definitely miss some of the things I used to enjoy being able to do like crafting, going on hikes, swinging in a hammock, building Legos or playing video games with my son; and just overall being independently active. But it has made me grateful for the small and simple things in life. Laughter with my son and husband is a highlight of my day.

Being diagnosed with a terminal illness is devastating. However, my family and I have chosen to see it as living with ALS, and just tackling each day as it comes and enjoy what life has in that day.